We are committed to carry-out operation that has a positive impact on the environment through the conservation of metals, plastic, and other non-renewable resources and the proper management of used and end-of-life electronic equipment.

Emphasis will be on quality, human health, operational safety, environmental protection, and responsible recycling. It is our commitment to:

  • Enhance customer satisfaction by complying with customer service requirements and industry guidelines, including the ISO requirements and Reuse & Recycling (R2) practices.
  • Comply with all applicable Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety, security, R2 related policies, practices and procedures including related customer and legal requirements.
  • Manage used and end-of-life electronics equipment, components and materials based on a hierarchy of reuse.
  • Manage the R2 focus materials that pass through our facility or control in a manner protective of worker health and safety, public health, and the environment.
  • Prevent workplace injuries by providing a safe working environment.
  • Investigate any workplace accidents, illnesses, and near-misses, and promptly document and correct any unsafe condition or practice.
  • Prevention of pollution from all of our operations.
  • Work with our entire recycling chain, including downstream vendors, suppliers, customers, and contractors to establish and fulfil our R2 goals.
  • Train our employees to make efficient and effective use of R2 system and enhance their skills to lay emphasis on employee evaluation to motivate them and fulfill the code of conduct.
  • Continually improve our performance through implementation of QEHS & R2 framework requirements.

This policy is reviewed annually for its suitability and communicated to all our employees and interested parties.

This policy forms the basis for setting our company objectives.